Archive Mode. Call IWS 2022 Annual Juried Exhibition ended on 3/8/22, 11:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Idaho Watercolor Society
        2022 Annual Juried Exhibition


 IWS hosts an annual statewide exhibition which is juried by a nationally renowned artist. This artist also teaches a painting workshop. In 2022 the juror and workshop instructor will be the highly acclaimed artist, Anne Abgott. 
All entrants must be an active member of Idaho Watercolor Society. Annual dues of $40 (or $45 if newsletters are mailed instead of emailed) must be paid before entering the show. To pay dues, send a check payable to IWS to Membership Chair, Lynn McConnell, 52 S. Grays Ln, Nampa, ID 83687.  Or you may pay dues on the IWS Website:
Entries must be original water-based paintings on paper support. All entries must have been painted within the last two years and must be entirely the work of the entrant, not copied from another artist. Any photo reference used in the creation of the art must have been taken by the artist.  No entry can have been created under the supervision of an instructor. Oils, water-based oils, or computer-generated images will not be accepted. All work must be suitable for family viewing. If any painting is found to be in violation of these standards, if any of the stated specifications are not met, or if the work differs from the original digital representation, it will not be exhibited, and all awards will be forfeited. In addition, the artist will not be allowed to enter an IWS Exhibition for two years. The exhibition committee and the juror will be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulations. Once accepted into the IWS juried show, the same image and composition, or substantially similar image, cannot be entered again in another IWS exhibition.
When pricing paintings, keep in mind the following:  If your painting is sold, commission fees the various gallery venues may be up to 50%.  Additionally, a 15% donation to IWS is suggested.    Take into account the cost for framing and matting when determining the price, you put on your painting.
Mats must be white only.   A darker liner of up to 1/2 inch is acceptable. Floated paintings are acceptable, but not paintings just adhered to backboard (contact Scott Muscolo if you have questions). Plexiglass or acrylic must be used rather than glass for framing, and a strong foam-core backing must be used. Outside dimensions of frame may not exceed 40” on any side. There is no minimum size restriction. Simple frames, with clean lines are encouraged, as they do not detract from your art.  Paintings must be prepared for hanging with firmly attached strong wire. No sawtooth, other hanging brackets, or frame clips will be allowed. Scratched or damaged frames may be disqualified.
The fee for entering one painting in the show is $40. While only one painting can be accepted in the show, you can increase your chance of acceptance by entering two paintings for a total fee of $45. Fees can be paid by credit card on ArtCall or a check made out to IWS to Treasurer, Carol Spoor.   See guidelines under Submissions with ArtCall for instructions on paying by check.
            • File format: Use only .jpg
            • Resolution: 300 dpi
            • Submissions must be less than 4mb and a maximum of 4800px on the longest side.
            • DEADLINE FOR HELP is MARCH 1.
            • If you are not sure your image file is per specifications, please seek assistance BEFORE you enter on 

  • IWS will again be using an electronic entry process this year.
  • There will be Zoom training sessions scheduled during February.
  • Log into
  • If this is your first year entering on ArtCall, you can create an artist profile at any time and make changes until entry deadline.  Be sure to retain your Username and Password when you set up your Artist Profile. You will need that to get back into the site during the entry process.  
  • If you participated in the electronic entry process last year, you may use your existing Username and Password to get to your account pages on the site.
  • Follow instructions from the on-line Zoom Training or contact Carol HasBrouck Browning or Scott Muscolo if you have questions.
  • Payment will be made through ArtCall via credit card or check to IWS to Carol Spoor.  
  • If you prefer to mail a check, send the amount to IWS to Treasurer, Carol Spoor. A coupon code will be emailed to you and you will be able to complete your online entry process.
  • Upload a digital image of your painting from your computer.  (See Digital Entry Specifications section above)

Please note all dates listed under “IMPORTANTS DATES”.  Detailed shipping instructions will be sent if you are accepted into the show. Be sure to follow all shipping instructions accurately. A $10 fine will be assessed for use of Styrofoam peanuts or shredded paper for packing. Artist will be responsible for the cost of shipping to BSU and a return label back to the artist. This will require inclusion of a pre-paid return label from FedEx retail store or a UPS shipping center.
      Deadline for help with entry:                         Tuesday, March 1
      Deadline for painting submission:                 Tuesday, March 8
      Notification of juror’s decision:                      Tuesday, April 19
      Arrival deadline for paintings:                        Wednesday, May 25
      Show hung by Gallery staff:                           Friday, May 27
      Juror, Anne Abgott arrives:                            Monday, May 30
      Juror juries Entries:                                       Tuesday morning, May 31
      Volunteer Luncheon at Cottonwood Grill:     Tuesday noon, May 31
      Workshop with Anne Abgott:                         Wed June 1 - Sat June 4
      Critique/Awards Ceremony:                          Friday June 3
      Show take-down:                                          Thursday, June 23
      Ship To Twin Falls:                                        Monday, June 27
             _____ 1. Seek help if you are not sure about the specifications of entry.
            Help deadline is TUESDAY, March, 1, 2022.
            _____ 2. Submit entries to ArtCall by WEDNESDAY March 8, 2022
            _____ 3. Check local shipping companies to determine how if return labels are available. 
            If this service is not available in your area, contact your Regional Rep.